
July 7, 2024
How do color blind people see our websites? Test vision deficiency on Google Chrome
July 5, 2024
Understanding Javascript modules. Default vs Named exports
July 4, 2024
Assertiveness and freelancing
May 22, 2024
Complete list of what to report in a code review. And why you should ignore this list.
May 10, 2024
Build Shopify apps. Everything you need to know before starting
March 17, 2024
How to get new clients as a freelance developer
March 11, 2024
Is Vue Storefront 1 still usable?
March 5, 2024
Full list of Magento2 Base font icons and their usage
March 1, 2024
Run React useEffect() with dependencies just once
February 23, 2024
What ChatGPT can do and what it can't
February 17, 2024
Hyvä React Checkout payment method integration
February 12, 2024
Optimize like a pro: Memoization in Javascript
February 10, 2024
Hugo Tips & Tricks: How to exclude some contents from the sitemap
February 7, 2024
Stop the cold war between developers and QA engineers
February 5, 2024
How to code review without being a complete asshole
February 4, 2024
Homemade way for mocking api calls
February 2, 2024
Install a Javascript module without npm
January 26, 2024
Hugo Tips & Tricks: data and Taxonomies
January 21, 2024
How to build ShopwarePwa locally in minutes
January 13, 2024
ES14. Ecmascript 2023 new features for arrays
January 6, 2024
Pixel Perfect is crazy bullshit [Repost]
December 12, 2023
Hugo Tips & Tricks: shortcuts and functions
November 11, 2023
Naming convention. Top 10 worst names for your development projects
September 9, 2022
I don't use debbuggers
July 24, 2022
Best tools for freelancers: Notion
May 24, 2022
Publish a npm package and work with it locally
April 7, 2022
Best tools for freelancers: Clockify
October 1, 2021
Es2021 Features part1
May 6, 2021
Converting Object to Array without losing keys
April 28, 2021
I teach my sister how to code, she teaches me how to teach part 2
April 27, 2021
What does '[Report Only] Refused to load..' mean in Magento?
April 22, 2021
I teach my sister how to code, she teaches me how to teach part 1
April 19, 2021
How to test from different countries with Tor Browser
April 12, 2021
A thousand ways to avoid writing 'that' thing
April 11, 2021
First Year as a Freelancer
April 10, 2021
Did you run bin/magento random:command?
September 20, 2020
How to debug iOs on mac
April 13, 2020
Es2020 New features part2
April 2, 2020
Es2020 New features part1
January 14, 2020
Resistance is futile. You will be destructured
January 3, 2020
Docker environment with node and mysql
January 3, 2020
What are those three dots in Javascript?
December 26, 2019
Bootstrap for a node and mongo environment with docker-compose
December 14, 2019
Fast Titles. That is what I learned about Open Source
November 11, 2019
Specialization is for insects

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